You my material atheist friend may claim that I live with a fairy-tale creator god in my anti-scientific fantasy fevered brain.
You may say I’m selling dangerous fairy tales by design where men are more than evolved monkey beasts, where a supernatural creator god gave choice and consequence to free, but not independent beings for the love and hope of relationship. Yes, I will tell any who listen that we are the walking dead who descend into entropy degeneration with every step of time every new generation accumulating deadly mutations. Your heroes of chance, mutation and natural selection are actually children of death masquerading heroes to natural progressive evolution so fanatically taught to our children in government education. I freely admit, I am peddling hope. I am selling with my every breath the hope of a restored humanity on a restored earth made possible by a restored relationship with our outer-dimensional immortal supernatural Creator. In your pell-mill flight from any higher accountability you make yourselves gods; who sell promises of illumination, immortality and intolerant dictatorial ruler-ship to any fool who bypassed the following thoughts.
If these are the thoughts you bypass on your way to “scientific godhood”, my materialist friend Than who plays the fool with self-contradiction. Your destiny awaits - here is death, degeneration and chance to usher you into oblivion. What grand aspirations, “Let’s survive.” or “Maybe science fiction will save us?” who then is really living in scientific reality? And if I am wrong than Mother Teresa, Ted Bundy, Muhammad, Buddha, Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther king , the beggars in India and the Hollywood stars , you and I will all be worms food for all our wistful imaginings. We will be a whisper remembered by none. We the stuff of stars and refuse, the remnants of a big bang will face extinction with nothing more to stop it than our next breath. Your friend, for an enemy would not warn you. Have a nice day. David Harrison a restored son of God, who will rule the cosmos with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - Emanuel who walks with us always. the I Am, Alpha and Omega. 9-2014
![]() What is Science behind the definition of things that we can observe, reproduce, and test, aka. falsify. To put it simply, Science is the collected and tested observations of humanity. But what most people don't think to ask is... "Can we observe all of reality?" because all science is based on human observation. I will show you that human observation is handicapped, and more correctly it is broken and degenerating. Materialism is the belief that if something can not be observed, and tested by the scientific method it does not exist, is not real, or at the least is not scientific. Materialism is the foundational view for atheism. Lets's get into some science. Can you observe ultraviolet light, infrared light, x-rays, microscopic worlds, deep space? I could go on... you will say, "No, but we have built machines to broaden or extend our observational abilities or horizons." But What of the materialist scientist of 200 years ago? They could not observe these things, so by the definitions of materialism, they were not real. We could not observe them. How many more things will we discover that are "not real" in the future. Materialistic science is actually a progress stopper. It is anti- science. What if all the scientists of hundreds of years ago said. "Well this has never been observed, I can't be real. You should just stick to real science." The Supernatural world view is actually a science generator. It calls for more exploration, imagination, and never arrogantly saying that we know it all. Another example: Big Bang cosmologists claim there is dark matter, and dark energy, for their model to be viable. but those things have never been observed. So your telling me that these "scientists" believe in lots and lots of stuff they have never observed and can not scientifically verify? How is this different than claiming a supernatural being caused life to be. Life comes from life. This is the Law of Biogenesis. The Supernatural Creation model actually follows scientific law. Does the Atheistic, materialistic theory of abiogenis follow natural and scientific laws. Hum? No. They claim life comes from non-life by chance un-directed processes. This has never been observed or tested and is therefore a claim that supersedes the natural, and is by definition a supernatural process. The origin of the universe from nothing Information, design and complexity aka. codes or programs arise from nothing These are all supernatural claims and do not conform to any scientific observations, laws or principles. Have a nice day. Try to think some. |
David HarrisonCome explore with me, but be prepared to use your mind. Archives
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