“That's... entirely not how it works.” Then their reaction made me think. Because I really think this little meme is accurate and what’s more, scientifically accurate. Let’s explore why. And please if you're reading this - comment, join the fray. Jump in because the waters of brain activity are a bubblin. First - let's find out the mission of SETI as they say it. Our mission is to explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe, and to apply the knowledge gained to inspire and guide present and future generations. We have a passion for discovery, and for sharing knowledge as scientific ambassadors to the public, the press, and the government. http://www.seti.org/about-us Wow, I actually really like that. It is what every Christian (lover of the Creator) should be about as well. But there is a bit of evasion in their mission statement because the acronym of their name is the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence - non earth life - to “explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe” that means a belief in life outside earth,of which there is little to no observable, repeatable, testable scientific proof. Or is there? An interesting observation - they tie life to intelligence… and they should. We have never come across non- “intelligent” life. Well, some teenager may qualify. I am of course making the exception of single cell bacteria etc., though they are very complex communicative organisms on their own level. Because it is a scientific and natural law that information (life) comes from intelligence. Show me any example of information not born of intelligence. Well, um…. DNA ,crystal structure… nature's laws. My point exactly. What birthed them? Every time we can find the cause of information it has been inteligence, and thus this is what drives SETI. It also drove great scientists who believed in a Creator revealed in nature and in the Bible. Even though SETI has a large budget, when it comes to aliens / ET intelligent life, they are thinking way too small. They are looking for material beings, what I call in-dimensional beings like ourselves. They have ruled out inter-dimensional beings and Extra-dimensional beings like God. But Seti is looking for scientific (material) evidence of life/intelligence in the universe. You Bible, creation people just live off faith. Sorry to spoil your thought. Not true. Our belief, faith, trust is based on real observations, evidence, science and more. It is the more part that gets to some people. But everyone is a supernaturalist, see my blog, Science: the HANDICAPPED observational system and CH 2 of The Supernaturals, and Ian Juby’s video… link below. Tried to find immage source... used for educational purposes Why God, the Creator described it the Bible is the answer to SETI?
SETI is looking for some kind of intentional communication from an intelligence - a being. Would they know it if it slapped them across the face? Or died for them on a cross? Christianity claims that an outer-dimensional (not just off earth) intelligence (a tri-uen being) has made contact with humanity. You may not have heard it put that way in sunday school. Let's examine this entity (who and what it claims to be), and then the evidence for its existence and communication with us. Lots of amazing books have done this- this is just a summary. See the bibliography-references for some of these books. This entity - being claims to be tri-une. One essence in three beings. So much in harmony and relationship and essence that they are indeed one. Yet they can interact and communicate as three separate beings. Ok am I wrong or is that not “alien” enough for you. That is really out there and “other” to the type of earthbound beings we know. This tri-une being is even more alien than the aliens we invent in our science-fiction movies and books. Ok, moving on. This being claims to be super intelligent, to be the origin of all life, time space, matter and dimensions of reality. Basically this entity claims to be the origin or source of reality as we know it so far. That is a PRETTY big claim. That’s a pretty cool extraterrestrial entity. We will see how this being backs it up its claims. I would call this being the Creator or God, or better yet the Godhead or Yahweh, the I AM, but they you would get all religious on me and stop thinking of this as an alien entity. In one of this entity’s communications it claims...
What kind of being could be the origin of earth bound biological life? Peter Scheele explores this from a genetic and biological perspective in his book Degeneration: the end of evolution theory. http://www.originsunited.com/degeneration-the-end-of-evolution-theory.html The DNA is only the physical carrier of the intelligence and knowledge that is hidden in it, it is not that intelligence itself, just as a computer program is the physical carrier of the intelligence put in to it but is not actually intelligent itself. Pg 117 12.2 A creator? Regarding that alien, there are a couple of things we can derive from ‘his’ creation:
Geneticist co-inventor of the gene gun Dr. J.C. Sanford shows that all of life is genetically degenerating and thus must have had a supernatural origin in his book Genetic Entropy. Ian Juby in his Youtube show Genesis Week shows how material evolutionist believe in processes that defy natural and scientific laws or can not be observed by science like the origin of life, informations systems like DNA arising from - well minerals, the origins of stars, the origin of the universe, dark matter and dark energy to name a few. These would be beliefs in the super-natural, on par with a christian's belief in God or miracles. Both are supernaturalists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWLzj_dt1Jg&feature=youtu.be episode 24 season 3 http://www.allreadable.com/21a82dGo readabel transcript of the show http://www.allreadable.com/95a98mGQ readabel transcript of the show What kind of communication has this entity sent? How does this Being back up it’s claims to be the source - an outer-dimensional being It sees the past, present and future,because it exists outside of them. The biggest is Prophecy - seen in Biblical records The eye witness accounts of supernatural acts from old and new testaments and from people to today. The scientific information found in the Bible that precedes their discovery by ancient or modern science, for example currents in the ocean. http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/science.shtml http://www.inplainsite.org/html/scientific_facts_in_the_bible.html https://www.livingwaters.com/witnessingtool/scientificfactsintheBible.shtml http://www.eternal-productions.org/101science.html Lastly the witness of nature is one of theis Entities greatest communications, and that is what my site, www.originsunited.com is all about. Romans 1:20 – For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. So start exploring and I hope you discover that learning is worship and communication with the most incredible alien out there. You can make contact… Your fellow explorer of the Supernatural and Origins 4-29-2016 David Harrison www.OriginsUnited.com References and sources God’s not Dead - the book Case for a Creator by Lee Strobal Almost any book by a christian or creationest on the topic. Creation.com Ian Juby Genesis week
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Superheros are intolerant... and we love them for it It has been rightly said that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. In our growing totalitarianistic - aka “tolerant”culture, where we are told to tolerate everything, except those who believe things from the Bible, It is a surprising yet not-thought-out phenomena that we love Superheroes. You see superheroes aren’t politically correct and are incredibly intolerant. Some people feel the need to express themselves through theft, destruction, taking over the world, and using bathrooms not meant for them, and who are we to say that is “wrong”. Since in a relativistic world harm and wrong are just perceptions. If you think I’m exaggerating watch the video from a college campus on how social relativism is turning our brains to mush. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/434158/watch-college-kids-cant-explain-why-short-white-man-isnt-tall-asian-woman Thanks to Reza Zadeh for posting this. Superheros stand for something. They don’t tolerate evil. They use equal and opposite force, and we call that Good. Kind of reminds me of God in the Old Testament. Batman doesn’t give the Joker a break cause he had a traumatic upbringing. Superheroes live by standards that they consider absolute. I think that is why we love them, and the plethora of movies surrounding them are so popular. I think that is why Jesus is popular, except Jesus asks something of us. We have to join him or reject him. Superheroes represent truth, but Jesus claimed to be the TRUTH. The Source of life itself. Jesus forces a choice on us, unlike superheroes. That is also why He and we are often hated. CHALLENGE!!! Who is your favorite super hero and how do they reflect the truths found in Jesus and the Bible? Stay tuned, I will be talking about how we will become super-human. It’s not through evolution… sorry X-men. So keep your eyes peeled on the sky, cause you never know Who is going to show up… and I hope He does soon. To explore more and why I says what I say, download my free E-book THE Supernaturals at http://www.originsunited.com/the-supernaturals.html Your fellow explorer of the Supernatural and Origins 4-17-16 David Harrison www.OriginsUnited.com
David HarrisonCome explore with me, but be prepared to use your mind. Archives
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